Sell Or Renovate Your Distressed Atlanta Home: Making The Right Choice

cash home buyers in Atlanta

Owners of distressed properties often wonder: “Should I do some renovations or sell my house fast in Atlanta as is?” And if your property is damaged, you may be wondering if repairs are even worth it.

For some, the decision hinges on finances. Others care about location. In any case, understanding the pros and cons of renovating versus selling is important, and this knowledge will help you make an informed decision that’s in line with your goals.

The Burden Of A Distressed Property

Owning a home has long been considered part of the American Dream, but home ownership comes with responsibilities and costs. And when your home is a distressed property, keeping it habitable can put a big strain on your finances.

Homeowners typically spend between 1% and 4% of their home’s value on annual maintenance and repairs. So, for a $200,000 home, that’s $2,000 to $8,000 yearly. However, distressed properties cost more to maintain, especially if they’re in rough shape.

Deciding Whether Or Not To Renovate?

Assess Your Home’s Condition

Can your home be renovated? Will you need to make repairs before starting renovations? If so, the cost of renovating could be higher than expected.

Start with an appraisal of your house. Ask yourself: ”If I renovate, what else is needed to bring this place up to code?”

If you’re renovating more than 50% of your home, complying with current building regulations is especially important. You could need new wiring, plumbing, or insulation, all of which raise the cost of renovating.

Before you put money into renovations, you need to calculate the risks and returns. Will renovations increase the property value? Will this boost in value exceed the total cost of materials, labor, permits, and other expenses?

Often, the final cost is more than the initial estimate, so don’t rule out a lower return on investment or even a net loss.

The Emotional Toll Of Renovating

Along with being expensive, renovations can be emotionally draining. Managing contractors, adhering to building codes, living in a construction zone—all these things can stress you out. In short, the personal cost of renovating can be substantial.

Why Selling Your House As Is Can Be A Smart Move

Given the financial and emotional burdens that come with renovating a distressed property, many homeowners choose to sell to cash home buyers in Atlanta instead. But before you go this route, you need to know why it’s advantageous.

Advantages Of A Cash Sale

Cash transactions are fast and simple, so you don’t need to wait for mortgage approval or go through lengthy negotiations. This is why it’s a good option for sellers who need to resolve financial issues urgently and those who want to move quickly.

Avoid Financial Strain

Selling as is to a cash buyer means you won’t need to spend on renovations. Imagine spending tons on renovations only to see they didn’t add much resale value.

Market Fluctuations

The real estate market is always fluctuating, so your renovations may not get what you expected (in terms of asking price). Specifically, a market downturn can offset the value of improvements.

But if you sell quickly to a cash buyer, when the market is in good shape, you don’t have to worry about this.

Make Your Decision Today

Are you sick of the costs and effort required to maintain a distressed property in Atlanta? Consider reaching out to Diamond Equity Investments. Our team specializes in fast, all-cash home sales, and we buy houses in Atlanta in any condition. No commissions or closing costs!

What Affects Your Property Value in Philadelphia? Things to Handle Now

What Affects Your Property Value in Philadelphia? Things to Handle Now

The average home in Philly is worth about $223,428, which is up 2.7% from last year. According to Zillow, it usually goes under contract in about 17 days. However, property values can be all over the place for different reasons. As a homeowner, knowing what can make your home’s value drop is key. Knowing what can hurt your property value helps you keep your home in top shape and get the most bang for your buck when you sell a house fast in Philadelphia.

Lack of Curb Appeal

First impressions matter when selling your home. You want your curb appeal to wow buyers and help your house sell quickly. Potential buyers will notice if your exterior paint is peeling or your shrubs look rough. Luckily, you can boost your curb appeal with some simple fixes.

DIY Projects Gone Wrong

Many homeowners dive into DIY projects to make their homes more enjoyable and add value. Whether it’s adding a bathroom, building a deck, or flipping a fixer-upper, the goal is usually to increase home value. But sometimes, these projects don’t turn out as planned and can hurt your property’s worth.

Nasty Neighbors

Before buyers get to your house, they pass by your neighbors, and bad neighbors can drag down your home’s value. Disputes over property lines or other conflicts can scare off buyers or lead to lower offers. If there’s obvious tension with the neighbors, many buyers might pass or lower their offer.

Interior Aesthetics

If you get buyers inside, they’ll quickly notice certain things. Is your house cluttered? Are family photos covering the walls? Is it dusty and dark? These are easy fixes, but your home might struggle to sell at your asking price if you don’t handle them. A fresh coat of paint helps, too, but stick to neutral colors. Odd colors, strange wallpaper, and bad floors can turn buyers off. Lack of storage can also be a deal-breaker. Aim for a warm, inviting, and not overly lived-in look.

Excessive Clutter

Over the years, homes collect a lot of stuff, and you might not realize how much until you list your home. Just like dirt builds up, so does clutter. If your rooms are crowded with belongings, it’s time to clear out your stuff. Donate what you don’t need, and find permanent spots for items you use occasionally. Decluttering is a cheap way to add value.

Unpleasant Smells

Bad smells leave a lasting impression and can hurt your property value. Whether it’s cigarette smoke, pet odors, or mold, find the source and eliminate it. Don’t just mask the smell with air fresheners. Keeping your home clean helps avoid unpleasant odors. Regular vacuuming, dusting, wiping surfaces, and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens are essential.

Get the Best Offer for Your Property

Now that you know what can lower your property value, you can start making changes. When it’s time to sell, you’ll be glad for the work you put in to make your home appealing to buyers.

Selling a home can be long and tiring, but you can speed things up using reputable cash home buyers in Philadelphia, like Diamond Equity Investments. Enter your address, and we’ll quickly give you a cash offer, saving you time. We handle all the details, from pulling the title to arranging the closing, and can help you find your next place to live.

Tips for Selling Your Atlanta Home With Unpermitted Renovations

sell a house fast in Atlanta

It’s common to see homes with modifications completed without the necessary licenses. Unauthorized work is frequently done on homes by homeowners. However, if you’re thinking, “I just want to sell my house fast in Atlanta,” you must understand the specifics of this case. Having unpermitted renovations on a home when selling it can lead to major financial and legal issues. You might be held accountable even if the work was completed by an earlier owner. How can you go about selling a house with unpermitted work? Let’s dive in!

What Is Unpermitted Work?

Unpermitted work refers to any alterations or additions to your home that the local government has not authorized. Unpermitted work could entail tearing down walls, renovating a basement, or adding a bedroom. What counts as unpermitted work depends on local regulations. While some people may not even know they are saving money by working against permission, others may do it consciously.

How to Avoid Unpermitted Work

Permit requirements for house renovations can be complicated and subject to frequent modification. Ask the contractor working on your home if permissions are required before proceeding. If they tell you that you don’t need permission, make sure you examine the local regulations. If permissions are required, ask the contractor to provide documentation proving they were secured. But use caution; permits might be falsified at times. Call the local permit office to confirm that the permits are authentic.

Can I Get a Permit Before Selling My Atlanta House?

Fixing unpermitted work before selling is a smart idea if you want to sell your house for the best price (even if it involves paying for permits). Depending on the extent of the modifications, you can obtain the permits on your own. The work will be inspected by a building inspector once you apply for the permit. They’ll give you a list of things to correct if there are issues.

How to Sell a House With Unpermitted Work?

Due to the risks involved, most buyers are reluctant to purchase a home with unpermitted construction. Since they will have to pay for repairs and obtain permissions, a buyer’s offer is likely to be lower. Although it could seem acceptable to conceal the existence of unapproved work from the buyer, the risk is too great. You can get sued and have to pay to have the job done correctly. It is preferable to be upfront and honest about any unpermitted work. Being open may help you avoid issues with the law in the future.

Are You Struggling to Sell Your Atlanta Home With Unpermitted Work?

Finding a cash home buyer in Atlanta is essential if you’re in a difficult situation and need to sell a house fast in Atlanta. Diamond Equity Investments is one of the cash home buyers in Atlanta, and it specializes in handling various problems, including homes with unpermitted work. As investors, we regularly buy properties without permits, intending to renovate them.

How to Sell a Condemned House Fast in Atlanta

sell a house fast in Atlanta

A condemned house is one that local authorities have deemed unsafe for human habitation due to severe breaches of housing codes. Once a home is condemned, occupants are typically required to vacate the premises, undertake necessary renovations, or relinquish ownership to a third party. Sometimes, the government may seize the property, compensating the homeowners through market value assessments. If you own a condemned house, you might wonder if it’s possible to sell or fix it. However, before taking any steps, be heedful of the legal issues that might arise when trying to sell a house fast in Atlanta, especially condemned properties. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to sell a condemned house in Atlanta.

The Difficulty of Selling a Condemned House

Selling a condemned house can present numerous obstacles, largely contingent upon the legal framework governing your specific location in Atlanta. In many areas, the sale of a condemned property may be prohibited until necessary repairs are completed and the property undergoes re-inspection. You may face restrictions on selling your condemned house until it meets specific standards set by local authorities.

The timeline for selling a condemned property can be constrained since the window of opportunity may be limited once the property has been condemned. Consequently, there’s often a pressing need to make arrangements for a sale before giving away control of the property.

The sale of a condemned house is further complicated by the reluctance of homebuyers to purchase these properties. Real estate brokers are unlikely to list or showcase condemned properties to clients unless they possess a Certificate of Occupancy and have clear ownership transfer protocols.

However, mortgage lenders are hesitant to extend loans for condemned properties for several reasons:

  • The risk of the government seizing the property
  • The inability to occupy a condemned property
  • The uncertainty surrounding its future value post-repair

Selling a condemned house presents numerous hurdles, from legal intricacies to financial constraints. It can make selling the house challenging for property owners and prospective buyers.

Strategies for Selling a Condemned House

While selling a condemned house may seem daunting, there are viable strategies to explore:

  1. Repair and Sell: Invest in making necessary repairs to bring the property up to code. Once renovations are complete, have the property inspected and certified as habitable. Then, market your house for sale to buyers.
  2. Sell As-Is: Alternatively, consider selling the condemned house in its current state to cash home buyers in Atlanta. Selling as-is can expedite the process and minimize out-of-pocket expenses for repairs.

By selling your house for cash to trusted cash home buyers like Diamond Equity Investments, you can streamline the sale of your condemned property in Atlanta while maximizing your returns. At Diamond Equity Investments, we buy houses in Atlanta for fair prices in any condition in less than two weeks. To turn the burden of your condemned house into a profitable opportunity, reach out to us.

Is Your Atlanta Home Posing More Problems Than It’s Worth? Watch Out for These Signs

cash home buyers in Atlanta

Owning a home is like hitting a major milestone. It’s a symbol of success and financial stability for many, but it can also drain your wallet. Like any good thing, being a homeowner has its ups and downs. As life throws curveballs, that dream home might feel more like a burden.
This blog will talk about important signs that your Atlanta house might be causing more trouble than it’s worth.

Too Many Repairs

As time marches on, every home requires maintenance and repairs. The older the house, the more frequent and pricier they become. Your trusty appliances and essential systems may need to be replaced due to the wear and tear of passing years. Cracks in the walls or a wonky floor are red flags that might hint at deep-rooted issues that are more than a quick fix. If the foundation is shaky, you’re in for a potential nightmare. Aging structural elements could force you into a wallet-draining game of catch-up, from foundation woes to plumbing and roofing headaches. If your Atlanta home demands a significant makeover, it might be time to reconsider its worth.

Done with DIY Drama

Maybe the idea of “I want to sell my house fast in Atlanta and buy a new one” isn’t as appealing as bidding farewell to homeownership altogether and embracing the carefree vibes of renting. Owning a house is like signing up for a never-ending to-do list. Your family might be over a house’s demands on your time, energy, and money. Alternatively, you could sell your current spot and swap it for something that’s more minimal maintenance. The choice is yours!

Extra Costs Alert

Taxes and fees sneak in as those not-so-friendly extras. Thanks to market ups and downs, your home’s taxes might skyrocket, possibly outpacing any income gains you’re making. Brace yourself for unexpected hits like tax assessments or those hefty homeowners association (HOA) fees for special projects. If it feels like your hard-earned cash is vanishing into the pit of property upkeep, your Atlanta home might just be causing more financial headaches than it’s worth.

Expanding or Shrinking Your Workspace

If your Atlanta house doesn’t quite fit your lifestyle anymore, it’s more hassle than it’s worth to stick around. Families often realize that the cozy home they fell in love with feels cramped as time ticks on and needs evolve. Maybe you’ve welcomed new additions to the family, or your lifestyle has taken a new turn, and suddenly, that once-perfect space feels a bit snug. Upgrading to a larger home could be the way to boost your everyday comfort and joy.

Wrapping It Up

When you’re ready to move, finding people who pay cash for houses in Atlanta, GA, is key. If you’re eyeing a sale in Atlanta, count on Diamond Equity Investments to have your back. We’re all about swift solutions and paying cash for houses in Atlanta, GA. Our cash home buyers in Atlanta are ready for a fast sale.

Decoding the Difficulties: Top 5 Challenges You Might Face When Selling a House in Atlanta

Challenges While Selling a House in Atlanta

Are you wondering, “How can I sell my house fast in Atlanta?” Selling your Atlanta home can pose challenges, especially in a bustling real estate market. But certain situations can make the sale complex. This blog will unpack the top five tough scenarios Atlanta homeowners might encounter when selling their house.

1. Unique Property

Do you have a home with unique features? It can be both a charm and a challenge. While some buyers look for distinctive homes, others might struggle to see past the quirks. Historical gems, unconventional designs, or homes with unique architectural characteristics can be more difficult to sell. Marketing these to the right crowd can be tough, and finding the perfect match may take longer.

2. Fixer-Upper Woes

If your home needs some serious TLC, selling it might be a bit of a hustle. Some buyers love a fixer-upper, but many are searching for move-in-ready spaces. The cost and time might be too much for a homeowner to take on, and they’ll look for other options. Traditional sales may drag your offer down and stretch out the market time.

3. Liens or Title Issues

Issues with liens or titles can also slow down a sale. It’s like a red light for potential buyers. Unpaid taxes, legal spats, or murky ownership can spook folks away. Buyers don’t want to deal with legal messes that might cost them big bucks or turn their sales into a marathon.

4. A Slow Market

In a sluggish market, selling your house might feel frustrating and time-consuming. Economic changes, seasonal moods, or too many homes on the block can slow things down. Sometimes, it’s best to wait out a slow season and relist the house later. If that’s not an option, look for nontraditional methods for selling your home.

5. Flood Zones

Atlanta has its share of homes in flood-prone spots, and selling a house in these locations can be challenging. Potential buyers might worry about the flood risk and the hefty price tag that comes with flood insurance. Many buyers will avoid these homes completely.

Do You Need a Simple Solution?

Trying to sell a house fast in Atlanta has twists and turns. All the above issues can slow down sales and make the process frustrating. But Diamond Equity Investments gets it. We know how to tackle these real estate hurdles and offer solutions. We buy houses in Atlanta, no matter the situation. Let’s make this process a breeze and get you that successful sale even when things get tricky!

Streamlining Your Sale: The 5 Best Cash Home Buyers in Phoenix for 2024

Best Cash Home Buyers in Phoenix

In 2023, over 36% of single-family homes and condos were bought through cash deals, a significant jump from around 23% in 2020. When you’re looking to sell your house fast or dealing with hefty repairs, opting for cash home buyers becomes a game-changer. Selling a home conventionally in Phoenix might take 107 days. Instead, imagine sealing the deal with a cash buyer in one to two weeks with no upfront costs. Get ready as we dive into the top 5 cash home buyers in Phoenix in this guide.

1. Diamond Equity Investments

Diamond Equity Investments is a reputable cash home buyer specializing in delivering a swift and hassle-free home-selling experience for Phoenix homeowners. They present fair cash offers derived from thorough market analysis and property assessments. This esteemed cash home buyer ensures a rapid response, providing a cash offer within 24 to 48 hours. Their commitment extends to closing transactions as promptly as possible, often within 14 days. They also purchase homes in their current state, sparing you the headaches of repairs or renovations.


  • Fair cash offers grounded in market analysis
  • No-obligation cash offers
  • Zero fees or commission charges
  • Swift response time (within 24 to 48 hours)
  • Expedited closing process (as little as 14 days)
  • Purchase homes as-is



2. Sell My House Fast

Sell My House Fast in Phoenix is another reputable cash home buyer committed to streamlining the home-selling journey for Phoenix homeowners. Their expertise lies in acquiring properties regardless of their condition, relieving homeowners from the burdens of repairs or renovations.

Sell My House Fast stands out by providing equitable cash offers grounded in meticulous market analysis and property evaluations. Homeowners can anticipate a swift response, with cash offers presented within 24 hours. The company’s objective is to finalize transactions expediently, aiming for a 7 to 14-day turnaround, ensuring a rapid and efficient process.


  • Extensive coverage
  • Acquires homes in any condition
  • Rapid response time (within 24 hours)
  • Expedited closing (7 to 14 days)
  • Effortless selling process
  • No fees or commissions


Sometimes below-market offers

3. The Trusted Home Buyer

The Trusted Home Buyer is a dependable cash home buyer dedicated to ensuring a hassle-free selling process for Phoenix homeowners. Their specialization lies in acquiring properties regardless of their condition, eliminating the necessity for repairs or renovations.

This esteemed company presents equitable cash offers from comprehensive market analysis and property evaluations. Homeowners anticipating a swift response receive their cash offer within 24 to 48 hours. The Trusted Home Buyer endeavors to finalize transactions within a reasonable timeframe of 14 to 30 days.


  • Purchase homes in any condition
  • Prompt response time (within 24 to 48 hours)
  • Reasonable closing timeframe (14 to 30 days)
  • No need for listings or open houses


  • Offer contingent on the house’s condition, reducing the amount
  • Offer is between 50% and 70% of the market value

4. AZ Home Buyer

AZ Home Buyer, a well-regarded cash home buyer, is committed to facilitating a seamless and effective selling process for homeowners who want to sell a house fast in Phoenix. They specialize in acquiring properties in any condition and alleviate homeowners from the burdens of repairs and renovations.

AZ Home Buyer extends fair cash offers rooted in meticulous market analysis and property evaluations. However, it’s essential to note that they operate by their own rules, potentially resulting in variances in cash offer terms and service quality.


  • Acquires homes in any condition
  • Swift response time (within 24 hours)
  • Expedited closing (within 14 days)
  • Eliminates the need for spending on repairs and commissions


  • Lowball cash offer
  • Non-negotiable cash offers
  • Varied quality of service

5. HomeVestors

HomeVestors is the largest cash home buyer franchisor in the United States, boasting over 800 offices nationwide. Renowned for its “We Buy Ugly Houses” brand, each HomeVestors office operates independently, led by a local real estate investor. Typically, HomeVestors investors extend offers ranging from 50% to 70% of the fair market value, with the potential deduction of repair costs at the closing stage.


  • Swift cash for distressed homes
  • No service fees
  • No upfront costs
  • Flexible closing options
  • Extensive nationwide coverage


  • Lowball cash offer
  • com is not entirely online
  • Varied quality of service

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do companies advertising “we buy houses in Phoenix” pay?

Phoenix’s cash home-buying companies typically adhere to the 70% ARV rule. For example, if your home has a market value of $300,000 and requires $25,000 in roof repairs, you can anticipate a cash offer of approximately $185,000.

Are cash home-buying companies scams?

While many cash buyers, like Diamond Equity Investments, are reputable, being cautious is essential. Unfortunately, there are some unscrupulous operators. Verify that the offer you receive is authentic and genuinely worth your consideration.

What is the timeline for a cash sale of a house in Phoenix?

Typically, it can range from 7 to 30 days, contingent on the buyer and the unique circumstances of the sale. Notably, Diamond Equity Investments in Phoenix can finalize transactions in as little as 14 business days.

5 Questions That Atlanta Home Sellers Often Have

sell a house fast in Atlanta

Trying to sell a house fast in Atlanta? You’ve probably noticed those signs and online ads that say: “We buy houses in any condition!” Well, who exactly are these cash home buyers, and what’s their angle? Do they really help distressed sellers, or are their promises too good to be true?

In this post, we answer five questions that Atlanta home sellers often have, and the answers are sure to be helpful when you go to sell.

1. How do cash home-buying companies work? 

They look for sellers who need to sell as soon as possible. A seller will reach out to the buyers and say they want to make a deal. The buyers will come by and check out the property.

After they get a feel, they make an offer; usually this takes 24 hours. If the seller accepts the offer, the process gets underway. Of course, the seller doesn’t have to worry about commissions or closing costs.

2. How do cash home buyers obtain their funds?

Cash home-buying companies flip homes, so they use the cash they made from the last deal to fund the next. A trustworthy company will reinvest their income so they can expand operations and flip more houses.

However, in any industry, scams exist. So, if you want to sell your house quickly and for cash in Atlanta, it’s crucial to only work with companies that are 100% legitimate.

3. Are signs that say “we buy houses for cash” legitimate?

Even smart individuals can fall victim to “we buy houses” scams in Atlanta, and that’s why you need to do thorough research and ask the right questions before dealing with a property-buying company.

So, when you encounter a sign that says “we buy houses in Atlanta” or “cash home buyers in Atlanta,” make sure there’s a company name on the sign. Signs with only a phone number should be viewed as red flags.

If a company’s info is on the sign, this should be taken as an indication that they’re serious about working with sellers.

4. Who benefits from working with cash home buying companies?

Cash home-buying companies help homeowners who need to sell fast and without hassles. So if you’re facing divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure, job transfer, etc., they can step in and make a fair, all-cash offer.

Sellers who are facing an overwhelming situation tend to turn to these buyers because they guarantee a simplified process. Close in as little as two weeks and do the bare minimum as far as paperwork is concerned.

5. How quickly can you receive a cash offer?

Typically, cash home buyers can make a no-obligation offer just 24 hours after seeing the property.

I Am Looking To Sell My House Fast In Atlanta: What Is My Best Option?”

Selling a home can be a real hassle, and it can be expensive too. So, if you’re in a hurry, think about selling to a cash buyer. At Diamond Equity Investments, we’re all about making cash offers, and we buy houses in Atlanta, GA. Our process is always fast, and we care deeply about customer satisfaction.

When we buy a home for cash in Atlanta, GA, we can wrap things up in as little as two weeks! So if you’re looking to sell your house quickly and for cash in Atlanta, GA, just reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you!

5 Of The Best Cash Home Buying Companies In Philadelphia, PA

Best Cash Home Buying Companies In Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PA is one of the most famous cities in the country, and every day homeowners are moving in and out of this city.

Sure, you can sell the traditional way, but you’ll be paying a lot to do so. Also, don’t expect this process to be quick; it won’t be.

Instead, sell for cash! And when you do, sell to any of the companies we discuss below. All of them are trusted cash home buyers that’ll do right by you.

1. Diamond Equity Investments

Our top recommendation is Diamond Equity Investments. They’ll make the selling process easy from start to finish, and they won’t charge commissions. Plus, they’ll cover the closing costs.

These cash home buyers in Philadelphia specialize in buying all kinds of real estate, including single-family homes, condos, and land.

How does their process work? Well, they’ll arrange a time to meet, and at this meeting they’ll assess your property. 24 hours after this, they’ll make an offer. Should you accept, they can close in as little as two weeks.

Diamond Equity Investments helps homeowners who are facing tough financial situations. So if you need to sell to avoid foreclosure, or you’re getting divorced, contact them. They’ll even buy your property if there are tenants living there.

Key Benefits:

  • Fair cash offers
  • Flexible and expedited closing
  • No fees and zero closing costs
  • Sell in any condition
  • Efficient process with no delays


  • You won’t get to work with an agent

2. USA Cash Offer

USA Cash Offer is a nationwide home-buying network, and they specialize in matching motivated sellers with cash buyers.

All kinds of buyers are in their network. For example, some people are their to flip homes, while others are looking for rental properties.

And, of course, all of these buyers are willing to pay a fair, all-cash price, and none of them will charge commissions, fees, etc. And closing costs? You can forget about those too.

Working with a service like USA Cash Offer is key if you’re unfamiliar with the local real estate market. They’ll make sure you get in touch with interested buyers.

Key Benefits:

  • Their buyers can make an offer in 24-48 hours
  • No service fees
  • Close in a few weeks
  • They won’t change their offer (unless major damage is uncovered later)
  • Nationwide service


  • There’s no negotiating on price.

3. Express Homebuyers

Founded in 2003, Express Homebuyers is a team of real estate investors, and they specialize in buying homes from distressed sellers. They follow a simple, three-step process, and they always make fair offers.

So, if you sell to them, you don’t have to worry about paying commissions or closing costs. Also, the process is usually completed in just a few weeks. Additionally, Express Homebuyers helps sellers move out.

Key Features:

  • Fast, no-obligation cash offers
  • They serve most regions
  • Simple and flexible closing process
  • Sell the property in its current condition


  • Limited customer support
  • Non-negotiable terms

4. We Buy Houses has an exclusive network of vetted real estate investors, and these investors purchase properties in their current condition. Of course, they pay in cash, and they tend to help sellers who are going through divorce, facing foreclosure, etc.

In short, if you sell to them, you can avoid the hassles that come with selling the traditional way.

Key Features:

  • Fair cash offers
  • No service fees
  • Expedited closing process
  • They cover a wide area


  • Usually they pay 50% to 70% of the fair market value.
  • Limited online presence and they don’t have a mobile app.
  • Non-negotiable cash offer terms.
  • Service quality depends on who you’re working with.

5. ASAP Cash Home Buyers

ASAP Cash Home Buyers is a trusted company that specializes in buying rundown houses in Philadelphia. They help all kinds of sellers, and it doesn’t matter what situation you’re in: they’ll be willing to buy your home.

Is it inherited? They want it! Got flood and fire damage? Not a problem! Plus, they have nationwide coverage, so you can count on them no matter where you are.

Of course, there are pros and cons associated with selling to them, so let’s take a look at what those are:

Key Features:

  • ASAP Cash Home Buyers purchases homes all over the place
  • Flexible closing process
  • Transparent pricing, i.e. no hidden fees
  • You can sell the property in its current condition


  • Inconsistent service quality
  • They don’t buy commercial properties
  • There aren’t a lot of customer reviews out there


  1. Which company should I use to sell my house fast in Philadelphia, PA?

Diamond Equity Investments stands out as the leading option for those who want to sell a house fast and for cash. Especially if you’re in Philadelphia, they’d love to hear from you.

  1. Are “we buy houses for cash” companies in Philadelphia legitimate?

Certainly! Companies like Diamond Equity Investments are always buying houses in Philadelphia for cash. Just make sure you do your research before choosing a buyer. After all, there are many scammers out there.

  1. What are the costs associated with selling a home to a company that says: “We buy houses in Philadelphia for cash?”

There are no costs associated with selling to these buyers, and that’s why they’re so popular. However, it’s important to know that the proceeds from the sale may be lower. But if you were to go the traditional route, you would have to pay fees.

  1. How long does a cash home sale in Philadelphia take?

Selling a home for cash can take anywhere from 7 to 30 days. A lot depends on how fast the buyer can move. Of course, if you work with a company like Diamond Equity Investments, you can sell a house fast in Philadelphia in as little as 14 business days.

Cash Home Buyers Vs. iBuyers: Who’s the Better Choice for Selling My Philadelphia House?

Selling My Philadelphia House

Selling a house is a big deal for many homeowners. It’s a financial and emotional choice. So, if you’re in a situation to sell your house fast in Philadelphia, you might be torn between two options: cash home buyers or iBuyers.

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with this guide. We’ll break down the differences between iBuyers and cash home buyers in Philadelphia, helping you make the right choice for selling your home.

Understanding iBuyers and Cash Home Buyers

iBuyers are individuals or companies, including real estate investors, brokers, and agents, who seek homes that are easy to sell and in good condition. They aim to minimize the hassle by looking for move-in-ready properties to make minimal changes to maximize their profits. Here are the aspects that make them distinct home buyers:

  • They can be local or national buyers.
  • Most transactions are done online.
  • They focus on easy-to-sell homes that require little to no maintenance.
  • They take on all responsibilities and issues related to the house after the sale.

However, cash home buyers purchase homes with cash, typically through wire transfers or checks. They do not rely on financing, avoiding the complexities of mortgages and pre-approval processes. Cash buyers have the financial resources to pay the seller the agreed-upon price, and they often target hard-to-sell houses. The following are the aspects that set them apart from other types of buyers

  • Typically, they are local buyers with knowledge of the area.
  • They engage in face-to-face transactions and visit the property.
  • They focus on homes that are challenging to sell, assisting sellers in difficult situations.
  • They take on all responsibilities and issues related to the house after the sale.

Differences Between iBuyers and Cash Home Buyers

While both iBuyers and cash home buyers seek valuable real estate deals, their primary difference lies in the types of houses they target. iBuyers focus on purchasing homes at lower prices and then selling or flipping them at higher prices. In contrast, cash home buyers buy properties as-is based on current market values.

Are iBuyers or Cash Home Buyers Better?

Choosing between iBuyers and cash home buyers in Philadelphia depends on your specific needs. Cash buyers offer a streamlined, straightforward process without additional services or renovation costs. They tend to have a better understanding of the local neighborhood. iBuyers may provide additional services but could operate at a national level. If you prefer to avoid the traditional real estate selling process, a cash home buyer might be your ideal choice.

Selling to a cash home buyer often means you don’t have to worry about closing costs, renovation expenses, or a lengthy sale timeline. Their focus on properties that need more work can result in a hassle-free transaction. Additionally, cash buyers handle all property concerns post-sale, which may include renovations and resale.

In the decision between iBuyers and cash buyers, opting for a cash home-buying company in Philadelphia can offer a more straightforward process with numerous benefits, making it a compelling choice for your property sale.

At Diamond Equity Investments, we buy houses in Philadelphia and don’t see selling your home as just a business deal. We tailor solutions to meet your specific requirements. Call us today to see firsthand the advantages of teaming up with seasoned cash home buyers in Philadelphia.