Michael Brawn

Acquisition Manager

Michael Brawn is a real estate Acquisition Manager here at Diamond Equity Investments.

Few Recent Sellers at Closing

Mike said, “I live in Oregon. I needed an expedited process-it wasn’t going to be easy to sell through a real estate agent. You guys made it effortless!”

Mr & Mrs. Minssalle said, “I feel very good. Did the right thing. Feel relieved.”

Dinette said, “Property had been vacant for several years. Calling Diamond Equity was the Easy Route-the Quick Route. I’m happy!”

Cheryl said, “Can’t stand my neighbors! Agent wanted me to paint, patch & shampoo the carpet.”

Sherita & Conrad said, “A little over our head with home improvements. The process was rapid, but thorough. Grateful.”

Jenera said, “Finally found a solution-after years. And it was QUICK!”

Check Out a Few Before & After Photos from Our Recent Renovation Projects (slide to reveal)

bathroom beforeBathroom after
Living beforeliving after
kitchen beforekitchen after

Customer Reviews

5.0 stars from 189 Reviews