Abdul Ralston
Abdul Ralston

Abdul Ralston

Acquisition Manager

Abdul Ralston is a real estate Acquisition Manager here at Diamond Equity Investments Philadelphia Region. Born in Detroit, Michigan and raised in Philadelphia, Abdul’s family has a long history in construction and home renovation – extending all the way from his great grandfather! As a child, Abdul fondly recalls two predominant themes: first was his exposure to construction, and second, his desire to make a career out of it.  While attending college, he landed a full time job working with a construction company that specialized in laying cement and building foundations. That experience laid the groundwork for his love of real estate development.  With his experience in construction, it is easy for Abdul to see past the current condition and spot the value every property has to offer. Abdul is passionate about helping others, is a creative problem solver, and takes pride in completing what he starts!

Abdul Ralston with a Few Recent Sellers at Closing

The Gallo brothers said, “Mom is in a nursing home-house too much to maintain. Diamond Equity had a better pathway-being able to sell it as is.

Gus said, “I feel good. Good to unload that thing. Just don’t need it no more. I don’t live there.”

Joe said, “Everything went well. We didn’t have to worry about the renovations.”

Janice said, “Relieved-this has been hanging over my head for many months. I think it was fairly easy.”

Cynthia said, “Needs a lotta work. Just need to sell as is & quickly. I feel relieved.”

Gary said, “Time to retire, did not want to rebuild. 100% Relieved. I’m a happy customer!”

Mr & Mrs. Minssalle said, “I feel very good. Did the right thing. Feel relieved.”

Ms. Linda Graham said, “Downsize. Peace of mind. You guys were honest & up front.”

Kenneth said, “Had to pay off bills. Needed cash in my pocket. Give you 5 stars. I would definitely call Diamond Equity.”

Kelly & Keith said, “Very big house-we wanted something smaller. You had very good reviews!”

Ms. Towns said, “House was run down and needed a lot of repair. You seemed to be the best. “

Ms Williams said, “You made things seem pretty clear.. we’re very satisfied with the results.”

Mr. Butler said, “I knew I didn’t want to fix it up. I just wanted the mortgage off me & The tenant could stay there.”

Mr. Cates said, “You took the burden off of us. The price was immediate & satisfactory. I’m very happy with what you did!”

Christian said, “Easy to work with. No pressure on either end. Read the Reviews and Felt Reassured.”

Check Out a Few Before & After Photos from Our Recent Renovation Projects (slide to reveal)

bathroom beforeBathroom after
Living beforeliving after
kitchen beforekitchen after

Customer Reviews

5.0 stars from 189 Reviews